I met Eman in Kuala Lumpur, a funny, humble, soccer player who I have been friends with ever since. I reached out to Eman so he could share his experience on life in Malaysia as a soccer player. Eman has since moved back to New Mexico and has started his own organization to help soccer players dream come true. We will reveal and tell you how you can join if you too want to make it in the soccer world at the end of this. But for now, lets get into it! Oh also, keep in mind everything was written as it was said, so just aheads up.
Ooookay let's get right into the juicy part. We'll get to the basics later. What was a culture shook for you?
Ahaaaaha, This one is a good one. I don't know if ya'll saw the prostitution there or maybe came across prostitutes.
Yoooo we did see that! I actually heard how it's a big sex trafficking business in KL
Yea, it's an underground business. Sex is a huge business there. You gotta be careful with the way you move and your surroundings.
I remember we walked outta the movies and it was late. Mind you this was the first night, so we were just walking and one of your friends pulled up and the cops came out of nowhere, stopped us, and did the unnecessary! At first I was like what is going on and then it hit us.
Ahahaaaa yea it's crazy out there. They be recruiting people too from other countries. Another culture shock was the Kids! It be 2 am and you see lil kids just running around selling flowers and stuff. Because the city is so vibrant at night. There is also definitely child abuse going on.
It was the same way in China too. I think it's a sense of their security
Yea, you not worried much about safety especially when there are so many people out too.
Did you ever feel outta place? Like I know we didn't because we felt like we were home and that's because it was really westernized but China is another story
Naaaah in KL I didn't, but you know the culture still exists. They aren't really westernized, but I wouldn't consider them a third world country either because they are very developed.
Any Racism?
Uhmmm yea this one is a good one. Yea this one is a good one haha. I didn't experience any in KL because its so diverse.
Probably because you were in a major metropolitan city but did you ever leaver KL?
Never went outta KL. Being black and African from the US changes people perception of you because everyone else was coming form Africa. So they treat you differently. You know they treat you differently based on where you are coming from. you Know what I mean? You probably seen it in China.
Yea, there is more respect when you are form the US they look down at Africans and it's like you really have to change their perceptions of Africa because they really think we don't have anything. It's a headache to deal with. But now to the basics, why Malaysia?
Yea yea exactly! So, what had happened was I was leaving Denmark working with an agent for soccer tryouts but that didn't go as planned, so my agent suggested that I go to Malaysia for preseason with a team out there.
Uhm, preseason?
Preseason is basically - uhmmm it's off season training. You know, so agents take players and send them to Malaysia and that's where mine sent me. He also had another player from Liberia there so he basically sent me to stay with him.
How long where you there for?
I was there from February to like April i think.. wait we met in April right?
Naaaah we were there in June. Wait, early July
You sure? Yeah yeah you right what happened was, I had a contract offer in a different country. Didn't really want to move to Vietnam. I didn't like the idea of Vietnam.
How come?
In the back of my head, I couldn't imagine myself in Vietnam even Malaysia was a problem because like how am I gone do school, but in Denmark I wouldn't be struggling as much.
Ohoooo yea I see what you mean but like would you do it again? Would you move back?
It changed my perception a lot. Before I went, I never heard of it. I thought they were still behind economically, didn't think they would understand me nor spoke English. But then once I got there, it was like they do everything we do here like going to movies, travel, fast food, and etc. I got there and they had KFC like I wasn't ready for that. They spoke English better than me! They are very articulate people.
So you were like mind blown?
Not mind blown but like surprised.
Okay, so what challenges did you have to overcome?
Honestly, there were no challenges to over come because they spoke English, so no language barrier. I never had to deal with that. And I went there to simply play football/soccer so it was practice, get food, and have fun. So my life there was already planned so I didn't face challenges whatsoever. But I did have to be careful with the way I moved. Because it's 3 different cultures combined in one country.
Yeeeaaaah I know what you mean! I saw that when we were there. Anyway how was it playing with a diverse team?
Yeah you seen it but uhmm me being a foreigner, the standards were soooo ridiculously high!
In terms of living there or playing soccer?
Playing soccer. So if they are gone sign you, you have to be better than everyone. I think I was faster than everyone there but that wasn't enough because I had to be a game changer. I had to be better than everyone for them to give me a contract. I think it was the same for you in China?
Not necessary because in China being a foreigner was a boost and a challenge at the same time depending on the job. Opportunity presented itself a lot but it came down to you to go for it despite of everything else. What you do, you personality, and your ability obviously play a factor but you know...
Depending on the job yeah. So in soccer you gotta be better than everyone. So that was the case for me.
What was your favorite part about life in KL
Just the food. Just the Indian food.
Just the Indian food?
Yeah yeah because the food was quite amazing! They had this Indian restaurant. And you know I grew up around a lot of Somalis, Eritreans, Ethiopians and eating their food and that kind of reminded me of that, and kinda gave me of what I was missing when I was there.
Do you think it tasted different from here because I feel like when it comes to Indian food it tastes the same around the world.
I don't know. I never ate India food in the US.
Oh wow! Do you now?
Uhmmm where I stay we don't have any. So I haven't. Yet
Hmm interesting. You know what?! When you come up north we got you! Buuuut I don't think I got anymore questions for you. Thaaaaank you for doing this!
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