The Maeklong train market, built around a railroad line, is one of the most unique markets in all of Asia! This railway market has a train tracks running straight down its middle and a train running right through the market close enough to be touched several times a day.

When the train pass through the market

A warning bell goes off over a loud-speaker just minutes before the train approaches. Once the train start approaching the market, the vendors quickly remove their goods from the train tracks and pull back their awnings before the train comes.
Everything is very tight, so the train passes by slowly inches away from the produce and the people in the market.

Once the train passes, everything is back to business immediately. The vendors do this multiple times so they do the whole process nonchalantly. It's an amazing experience and so impressive to watch!
What to eat/buy
Authentic Thai delicacies,Thai sweets, meat, seafood, drinks, vegetables, and authentic Asian fruits can be found throughout the entire market.

Try street foods that look interesting or appealing to you as there are a lot of options to choose from.
Try grilled chicken from the stand at the entrance of the parking lot. It's delicious!

They also have stands for clothing, flowers and souvenirs.
What to expect
It's crowded and you cant hold up the line so you need to keep moving
If you want to take a nice picture, go towards the end of the railway
Be prepared to squeeze when the train passes through
The train moves very slowly when it arrives, so have your phone or camera ready for epic pictures/videos
There is mainly a huge seafood section, so if you are allergic be careful
The smell of fish overpowers all other food smell inside the railway market. The smell is very strong, so if you can't stand the smell of fish, bring a mask.
the train stops at the end of the railway for 10 -15 mins before leaving giving everyone plenty of time for nice pictures
When to visit it
The train market is open daily 6 am - 5 pm. It's best to visit it early in the morning because the weather is better.
If you want to see and get an idea of what the market really is like, you can watch my short video on the market here.